Sports Heroes s.r.o. Privacy Policy

The following rules of personal data protection are valid for business activities of the company Sports Heroes s.r.o. ID number: 089 97 161, Tax ID CZ08997161 with its registered office at Pod Špitálem 1306 Praha 5 - Zbraslav, 156 00, entered in the Commercial Register kept at the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, insert 328885 (hereinafter referred to as Sports Heroes s.r.o.) These rules apply to all operations of the online store operated by Sports Heroes s.r.o.
Sports Heroes s.r.o. is a controller of personal data in the sense of the ZOOÚ and the Regulation in relation to the personal data of customers and users of online stores. The privacy policy applies to customers and users of online stores who are natural persons.

Delivery address: Pod Špitálem 1306, Praha 5 - Zbraslav 156 00

Telephone number: +420 724 315 383

Contact e-mail:


On the online store operated by Sports Heroes s.r.o. you have the opportunity to register as a new cardholder and thus enjoy a number of benefits. It is necessary to fill in the required data in the registration form, especially name, surname, telephone number and contact email. A unique link will then be sent to your contact e-mail, which will be used to create a user account. You also provide Sports Heroes s.r.o. personal data and you agree to their processing.
To access the user account, it is necessary to choose a username and password. Please select them in such a way as to prevent their unauthorized use by third parties as much as possible. Although we strive to protect your personal information as much as possible, we can no longer verify that you are the one who logs in to your account using the correct login information. If your login data is misused, the person who misused the data will gain access to your personal data entered during registration. Therefore, keep the login details for the user account secret. Otherwise, Sports Heroes s.r.o. responsibility for possible misuse of the user account or the data contained in it by a third party.
The information provided during registration must be true and complete. We may cancel an account in which false or incomplete information was used without compensation. We may also handle a user account that violates the law or good morals. In the event of changes in your data, we recommend that you make an immediate adjustment to your user account, or you can use one of the above contacts to notify us of the change.


By filling out the order, creating a user account, retrieving the link from the confirmation email or exercising the rights from the purchase agreement, you provide Sports Heroes s.r.o. some of your personal information. As we inform you when entering personal data, most of these actions give your consent to the processing of personal data provided to the specified extent and for the stated purposes, in most cases until you express your disagreement with further such processing. We must always have a legal reason for processing your personal data. If you enter data when ordering goods, returning them or making a complaint, the legal reason for their processing is the fact that we need the data to conclude a purchase contract and fulfill our obligations arising from it. In some cases, we may process part of your personal data (for example, e-mail address) due to our legitimate interest, which is mainly the development, promotion, and improvement of our business.
When processing your personal data, we proceed in accordance with the legal order of the Czech Republic, in particular Act No. 101/2000 Coll., On the protection of personal data (hereinafter "ZOOÚ"), as amended and the Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council (EU). 2016/679, on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (hereinafter "the Regulation").

2.1. What is personal data?

Personal data is such information that you provide to us in the completion of the order, registration, and other activities on the online store Sports Heroes s.r.o. Personal data means any information that identifies or can identify a specific person. Personal data is in particular, but not exclusively, name and surname, photographs, date of birth, e-mail address, and address of residence or telephone number. However, they can also be less common data, such as the account number, because it can also be used to identify a specific person.
We obtain some data automatically during your visit to the online store. This information is the IP address, browser type, device and operating system, time and number of accesses to the web interface, information obtained through cookies, and other similar information. Please note that we can obtain this additional data even without setting up a user account and regardless of whether you are shopping in the online store or not. This additional data helps us to determine the cookies, the use of which we informed you after your arrival on the website of the online store.
It is not decisive whether you provide personal data on the Internet or when ordering goods at the store. If even there, during personal contact with our employee, you provide your personal data for the purpose of ordering goods or its delivery, the following information applies to you.

2.2. How is personal data used?

Through personal and other data, we allow you to access your user account and use the associated benefits as part of your movement on the website of the online store. They are also necessary for us if you order goods from us, so that we know who we are concluding the contract with, have how to deliver the goods to you, and if necessary, they can contact you.
We also use the data for communication regarding the management of your user account and for user support. The data may be used to improve our services, including use to analyze the behavior of users of the e-commerce site operated by Sports Heroes s.r.o.
The data may also be used for commercial and marketing purposes, to maintain a database of customers, registered users, and to offer goods and services for an indefinite period, but no longer than until an objection or request for deletion is made, as explained further in these rules. By sending an order or creating a user account, you agree to the sending of business messages, of which we informed you before providing personal data.
You can also revoke your consent to the sending of commercial messages and e-mails for direct marketing purposes at any time by e-mail to our contact e-mail address.

2.3 How do we manage and process your personal data?

We may entrust the processing of your personal and other data to a third party as a processor. A processor is a person to whom we pass on your personal data for the purpose specified by us, and the latter may handle them arbitrarily, but always only in a manner that we determine. This can be, for example, the operator of the data repositories where we store your personal data.
Personal data from completed transactions will be processed for the time strictly necessary to fulfill the purchase contract and to ensure the implementation of the rights and obligations of both the buyer and the seller. Data processed for these reasons will not be processed for more than 10 years from the conclusion of the purchase contract. If personal data is processed on the basis of registration to create a user account, the data will be processed until you revoke your consent to the processing of personal data for these purposes or otherwise indicate to us that you no longer wish to process your data. Personal data will be processed in electronic form in an automated manner or in printed form in a non-automated manner.

2.4. To whom is personal data transferred?

We do not pass on your personal data to any other person without informing you of this possibility when obtaining them unless the need for the transfer of data arises from the nature of the purpose for which they are provided. These other persons may be represented by external carriers and persons involved in the delivery of goods or provision of services. Your personal data is passed on to such persons to the minimum extent necessary for the delivery of goods or the provision of services. If we use your data for marketing purposes, we may pass it on to the person who provides these activities for us, again only to the extent necessary for the marketing service provided.

2.5. What rights do you have in connection with the processing of personal data?

In connection with the processing of your personal data, you have a number of rights and rights that you can exercise against the personal data controller. You have the right to access your personal data processed by Sports Heroes s.r.o. and the right to information about their processing (information about the purpose of processing, what data we process about you, information about the sources of this data, information about the recipients of this data). This information will be provided to you without undue delay upon request, as well as confirmation whether we process any personal data about you. For the provision of information on the processing of personal data, we may require a reasonable fee not exceeding the costs necessary to provide the information.

You also have the right to request the correction of inaccurate or subsequently changed personal data or their deletion, or to raise an objection to the processing of personal data. Based on your written request, we will remove your personal data from the database. A request for deletion of personal data should be based on one of the grounds set out in Article 17 (1) of the Regulation. Until we decide on your request to correct or delete personal data, you have the right to request that we limit the processing of the data in question.
If we process personal data on the basis of your consent, you have the right to revoke this consent at any time. If you revoke it, this does not affect the legitimacy of the processing performed before the revocation of the consent.
In the event that we process your data on the basis of our legitimate interest in their processing, you have the right to object to such processing and we will not process your data until we prove serious legitimate reasons for their processing. If our legitimate interest is direct marketing, raising an objection will automatically mean the termination of the processing of personal data for this purpose.
If the legal reason for processing your personal data is consent to their processing and is performed automatically, for example by automatically saving them in a database after entering them in the online store, you have the right to request that we provide this data to you in another machine. readable format.
If you believe that our company or personal data processor is processing your personal data in violation of the ZOOÚ or the Regulation, you may:

  • ask us or the processor for an explanation
  • request that we or the processor eliminate the situation thus created - in particular, it may be a matter of blocking, correcting, supplementing or liquidating personal data
  • file a complaint against such processing with the Office for Personal Data Protection

When protecting your personal data, we will do our best to accommodate you. However, if you are not satisfied with the settlement, you have the right to contact the relevant authorities, especially the Office for Personal Data Protection (, which supervises the protection of personal data in the Czech Republic. This provision does not affect your right to contact the Office for Personal Data Protection directly with your complaint.


Online-store Sports Heroes Ltd. uses so-called "cookies" and Google Analytics, and possibly other services provided by Google, Inc. ("Google").

3.1. What are cookies and how do you agree to their use?

Cookies are text files stored on the computer or other electronic device of each visitor to the online store, which allow, for example, analysis of how visitors use it. Thanks to them, the websites that have stored cookies in your browser will then know whether you have visited the site before, whether you have goods in your cart or a form in progress, or whether you are logged in.
By confirming the button in the information bar on the web interface or using it again after its display, you give your consent to the use of cookies, as well as to the processing of data about you by Google and our company.

3.2. Can you prevent cookies from being stored on your computer?

You can refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings in the Internet browser you are using. In this regard, contact the manufacturer of your Internet browser if necessary. If you do not wish to be included in Google Analytics statistics, you can choose to block them.
By refusing to use cookies, you may not be able to take full advantage of all the functions commonly available on the web interface pages. Some of the cookies are necessary for their perfect operation. We considered it appropriate to warn you that although you are not obliged to accept their storage without further ado, you may also cause some user inconvenience.

3.3. Remarketing activities

For better targeting and personalization of Internet advertising, we use services such as Sklik from, AdWords from Google, or others. For you, this means that when you browse the Internet, you see an advertisement for products that you have already shown interest in, in the past, for example, by visiting our website.